What is the Best Way to Set Up a Bass Drum Trigger?

by jerry
(surprise, az, usa)

I was wondering what the best way to setup your bass drum when using a trigger? cause when i do a medium - slow double bass beat i get like a triplet in the middle of the 2 hits...i use shoes and that helps a little, or is it just the way i play dble bass? would 2 bass drums help?

Hi, Jerry--

It is difficult to give specific advice without knowing the specifics of your set up, but I will try to give you swome general suggestions.

1. Experiment with the tension on your drum head. If the head is extremely tight, the head may be rebounding against the trigger after the first hit and before the second.

2. Try adjusting the pressure that the trigger exerts on the head if possible. Not all bass drum triggers allow for this adjustment.

3. You might want to try muffling your bass drum head so that you get more of the trigger sound and less of the acoustic bass drum sound.

Hopefully this will give you some ideas-


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Dec 24, 2009
by: Anonymous

I would try lowering your senitivity on your drum modual

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