What is the Best Music Recording and Editing Software?

by Sam

Is there any possible way that I can use my computer and a midi controller (such as the M Audio Keystation 88)to do everything that a really good workstation keyboard like the Oasys or M3 does? I'm wondering if computer programs can act as the brain of the workstation and MIDI controller as the hardware (without spending outrageous amounts on software)


Hi, Sam--

Yes, it is very possible and maybe even better. There are dozens of great music editing and recording programs that allow you do do virtually anything you want. Of course, the more you spend, the more features you get.

Here is a great example of a reasonable priced music recording and editing program:

Magix Music Studio


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Aug 20, 2010
More specifically
by: Sam

I know that software like this can do tons of stuff, but im wondering if it can really do what i need it to for my keyboard. Can it do all of the little details that a synth workstation can (such as: when you hold down one key then press another key, it 'slides' to that note). there are many little things like that that i would like to be able to do.


Hi, Sam--

I think that you need to carefully research the instruction manuals for your controller and for any software that you are considering. Likely, the answer lies in your midi controller.

Maybe some of our readers will have ideas for you.


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