by Tim
Hey, I've been playing drums for about a year now on my uncle's old Remo kit, and I'm looking for something intermediate, preferably around 500$.
I was looking at Ddrums D2, Ludwig's Pinnacle, Sonor Force 507 and Dixon's Chaos series.
None of these are supposed to have great cymbals, so I was planning on upgrading those later, does anyone have any suggestions?
Hi, Tim--
Check out this set:
Gretsch Drums Blackhawk 5-piece Euro Drum Set with 22" Bass Drum Standard
It does not come with cymbals but it has great hardware. You can get better cymbals in packs for a reasonable price. In the meantime, you could use the cymbals that you already have.
This is a much better drum set than one that comes with cymbals.
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