Roland HD-1 Lite

by John Holliday
(Morton, IL.)

I have a Roland HD-1 Lite kit for practicing in my apartment. It was the perfect price and size for my needs, but I absolutely hated the Kick Drum foot trigger. As I couldn't get a straight answer from anyone at Roland...or anywhere else.. I somewhat foolishly went ahead and ordered the Roland KD-8 KIck Trigger Pad...which, of course, DID NOT work spectacularly.

I would hate to give up and return it if there was a chance that there was a way to make it function.

My question is: Can I make this KD-8 Bass Trigger pad work with the HD-1 Lite?


Hi, John--

Is it that you want an actual kick drum pad?
Or what exactly do you not like?

I looked at the set up info for the HD-1 and it looks like it has an input where you plug in the kick drum assembly. Can you just plug the new KD-8 in? If so, what specifically is not pleasing you?
I really more info.

What does the owner's manual say--is it even possible to use a different kick drum pad with this set? Sometimes these sets are meant be used as is.

It is too bad that Roland is not responsive. What did they actually say about using a different kick drum pad?

If you want to provide more info, I will be glad to try to help you figure it out.

Best Wishes--

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Oct 03, 2010
HD-1 and KD-8
by: Anonymous

The KD-8 wont work through the HD-1 brain. The only way I think would work is if you get a TD-3 or onwards brain , connect the HD-1 brain to the TD-3 brain through Midi then connect the KD-8 directly into the TD-3 on a spare connection possibly Crash 2 , then configure the kick sound you want.

Mar 14, 2010
Did you ever get this working?
by: Anonymous

I have the same issue. Did you ever get this to work?

Plugging the existing cable to the HD-1 bass pedal into the KD-8 doesn't seem to work. I will occasionally get the kd-8 to trigger, but I think it is just the plug rattling in the port.

Since the only real adjustment that can be made is to adjust the sensitivity of the HD-1, I tried setting it to the most and least sensitive settings with no luck.

I noticed that the cable that comes with the KD-8 is a 'stereo' connectore while the HD-1 is a 'mono' cable, so I tried a quick converter from stereo to mono, but that didn't seem to do it either.

Any thoughts?

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