Replacement Drume Heads for Arbiter Flats Lite

Hi, i would like to replace my original Drum Heads on my Arbiter Flats Lite kit(10", 12" and 14" Toms) as there does not seem to be any more adjustment on them anymore and would like advice on what ones to get that would be compatible.

I believe the originals are Remo Asia or Pinstripes but only as that is what people on the web say as they are of-course labelled Arbiter.

Any help would be greatly apprciated


Hi, waplingr--

The original heads are indeed Remo Asia. Clear Toms and Kick heads, coated batter head and clear reso head on snare.


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Mar 24, 2025
Arbiter flats heads
by: damohonda

Hi Peeps.

I've tried Remo and Evans G2 and by far the best replacement for Arbiter flats heads is Code Generator Clear Drum heads. The collars/Rims are thinner and the heads themselves almost look like replicas

Nov 21, 2024
Arbiter Flats
by: Anonymous

Has anyone been successful in replacing their flats kit drum heads and if so, which was the best?

Aug 22, 2021
Any dream will do
by: grimtraveller

I recently took my snare to be recovered and basically, any snare head will do. If you want to go cheap, go cheap. If you want to pay a bit, then do so. Any good drum tech shop can fit it.

Mar 11, 2019
Problem is the drums, not the heads...
by: Zax

I know this is an old thread, but I thought I'd post this here in case anyone else was trawling for similar info at a later date. I own both Flats Lite and Flats Pro kits and have always found that the Lite version could never be cranked up as much as I'd like, but more importantly, this problem seems to get worse as the kit ages! Flats Pro has a steel tension hoop, but all the components of Flats Lite are plastic/glass-filled nylon, the tensile strength of which seems to deteriorate with age. Basically the thing that's meant to tension the head goes squashy and doesn't work so well after a while. I've been trying to come up with a solution - if I do I'll be back. : )

Mar 03, 2014
evans heads
by: Anonymous

The new evans level 360 heads fit perfect
and sound great on the flat drums

Dec 11, 2012
Arbiter Flats Lite Tom Tom tuning
by: Anonymous


I have just got the new drumheads(Pinstripes) for the 3 Arbiter Toms, and all good, except for the 12" Tom, where I cannot get any more adjustment to bring the pitch higher, it seems too loose for me. Infact all 3 toms have very little adjustment left, but the other 2 have been tuned fine. Is there anything i can do to increase the Tune on them.



Let's post this and see if any of our readers have ideas for you.


Dec 04, 2012
Remo Asia Drum Head on Arbiter Flats Lite
by: Anonymous

Can Remo Pinstripes also be used instead of Asia's for the Arbiter Flats Lite drums as they are better heads and the Asia's are not that easy to purchase?


I see no reason why the Pinstripes could not be used.


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