Hearing Protection During Gigs

Can you recommend a good product that will give adequate hearing protection during gigs? Have been using a combination of Silencio's in one ear and one of those expanding foam things in the other (left ear, which must be weirdly shaped as I have a hard time finding something to fit there).

What happens is that during the course of the gig, the plugs have a tendency to "unseat" due to sweat - especially my left ear - with the result is that I get more volume than I want.

So I'm looking for something that can withstand the heat & sweat and still stay seated in the ear. Am not able at this time to invest in ear molds and all that, so it has to be a more economical solution (or at least not cost $150+ that proper ear molds and associated products cost).

Thanks in advance for any advice you can give.

Los Angeles, CA


Hi, Howard--

Have you tried the type that "screw" into your ear? They tend to stay put a lot better and are relatively inexpensive. Here is an example:

Hearos Skull Screws Ear Plugs


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Sep 27, 2009
by: Joe

You should try the Vic Firth isolation head phones, you can plug them into a CD player or MP3. They won't hurt the inside of your ear like canal ear buds and they take out all of the high and low over tones so your kit sounds better

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