Absolutely Free Music Lessons!

Welcome to the 3rd issue of Absolutely Free Music Lessons!

Each month this newsletter from May Music Studio will keep you up to date on the new free music lessons available on the site. In addition, I will be including some great music-related offers and other news that will be of interest to you.

Free Scale and Chord Charts!

You can now have Absolutely Free piano and guitar scale and chord charts. The charts are pdf files--all you need is the Adobe Reader or another pdf reader. You can download the Adobe reader free on their website.

Here are the links for the free charts:

Piano Chords--Major and Minor Triads and their Inversions

Piano Chords--Dominant 7th chords and their Inversions

Guitar Chords--Major and Minor Open Chords

Guitar Chords--Dominant 7th Chords

Guitar Chords--Minor 7th Chords

Guitar Scale Modes

(Piano players--there will be more charts for you in next month's newsletter.)

These are very high quality charts. Enjoy!

Quality Drum Tabs

Drummers, here is what is new for YOU--Great Quality Drum Tabs!

If you are like my drum students, you have been extremely disappointed by the lack of quality drum tabs on the internet. I started creating these tabs for my students and have decided to share them with you.

The tabs are presented in "traditional notation" format--MUCH easier to read. Once you try these tabs, you will NEVER want to go back to the confusing, difficult to read tabs that you find on the internet.

Check them out. There is a free gift for you on the page!

Quality Drum Tabs!

May Music Chat Room

You can meet old and new friends in the new Music Chat Room. This is a good place to share your music ideas and questions with other musicians. Tell your friends to meet you there. It is a brand new chat room so we need to populate it.

You can even have a private chat with me--like having a private lesson--if you wish.

May Music Studio Chat Room

Affordable Music Books and Sheet Music

Browse through a hand-picked selection of Guitar, Keyboard and Piano, or Drum music books and sheet music. The selection is EXCELLENT. It would take you many hours to find all of these books. Best of all, the prices are guaranteed to be the best available!

Do You Have Music Questions?

The "Ask Questions" sections of the website continues to be very popular. Here you can ask questions about Drums and Drumming, Guitars and Playing Guitar, and Pianos and Piano Playing. Asking a question is simple. Your question and the answer will appear as a web page on the site! (If you want it to)

There is a Special Prize Waiting For YOU!

Site Build It!

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Read more about My Experience with SBI!

SBI will change your life!

I hope you enjoyed this newsletter and found it valuable. Until next month--

Lynne May

May Music Studio

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"Harmonizing the Minor Scales"!

A 12 page E-Course




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Try Our Drum Tabs
The Best on the Web!

Drum Tabs

How Much is Your Guitar Worth?

Drum Tabs

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